Saturday, September 20, 2008

New Gene Pools for Asiatic Lions

Just came across this on the Asiatic Lions blog. It appears that a new gene pool is being created for the Asiatic Lions in western India. Asiatic Lions, as you might know, are marred by inbreeding and low genetic biodiversity that does not bode well for the future of these endangered cats. This deicsion to create three new gene pools in the Rajkot district of India may prove to be one of the most significant long term steps for the conservation of the Asian Lions. More here:

I am going to take a break over the weekend since I've got a postgraduate exam on Monday ~ hopefully will be back to blogging by Tuesday. Have a happy weekend :)


BeadedTail said...

Thanks for the link! Good luck on your exam!

Black Cat said...

Good news for the asiatic lions! Good luck for your exam, I know you will do well, I have everything crossed for you, though you won't need it!

Thank you so much for your reassurance about lumbar punctures. I've just got my letter of appointment and it's not till January so hopefully that means I'm not too ill to be urgent:) xxx

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