Sunday, August 3, 2008

Story of a Lion...In Pictures...

Four steps of a Lion's life...

Baby Lion

Life as a Baby

Lion Cub

Being a Cub

Adolescent Lion

Adolescent years

Adult Lion


This lion was born and raised in front of me in our local zoo ~ he was the only survivor in his litter and has grown up to be a wonderful specimen ~ though he's still not fully mature has been so heartening to visit him over the years and observe him growing from an extremely mischievous and playful young cub to a magnificent adult male lion...


Lux said...

What a majestic creature, and yet it looks so sweet as a cub! :)

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Wow that would be fun to see!

Anonymous said...

Is his full mane grown in?

Ailurophile said...

@ nonersays - no not yet..he is not fully mature so far and his mane will grow further in the coming years!

Sasha said...

What lovely pictures. He looks like a splendid specimen.

Anonymous said...

Wow. He is just SO beautiful!

Anonymous said...

that is so neat that you had the opportunity to watch him grown and mature into the beautiful cat he is now.

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