Saturday, May 12, 2007

Domestic Cat Origin

Domestic CatNamed 'Felis Catus', the cat was first domesticated probably by ancient Egyptians, to rid their grains from rodents and mice, and is thus believed to be a descendant of the African wild cat 'Felis Silvestris'. A symbiotic relationship thereafter developed, with humans benefiting from riddance from pests and the cat enjoying fish and meat scraps offered to them by people. With time, cats garnered great respect and admiration from people, so much so that they were elevated to godly status and mummified and buried alongside people. Despite strict embargoes their export, cats found their way aboard ships and vessels and spread to virtually all habitable parts of the world.

Today cats are bred, groomed and kept as pets in nearly every country on earth. With a population in millions, good looks and keen senses, cats are here to stay ~ rest assured ~ cats are going nowhere!


SgtMajor said...

nice blog
but you must add some pictures...
just search from google and upload to your blog, goodluck!

snowforest said...

thanx. have started adding pics! check out the blog and keep posting comments :)!

SgtMajor said...

hey i've seen it ,you've done a great job!

Lux said...

You got that right! :) said...

From one cat lover to another, love your site. I am owned by two Persians and after seeing your site, feel that they too are worthy of a page of their own. Cute!!

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